
It is only possible to check in with self-check-in codes from 2pm - 8pm.
The codes are sent to the mobile number provided around 14:00 on the day of arrival.
We will also send codes by email for guests with international mobile numbers.
In emergencies, only the card holder can obtain codes by calling 01723 341829, +44 77229 26777 or by sending an email to from the email address provided at the time of booking between 2pm and 8pm.


1. Cover the keypad with hand until it illuminates.
2. Enter door code in the SMS text message.
3. Press *
4. Turn the knob into the direction of the arrow and pull the handle.

Key boxes are located on the ground floor to the right of the mirror in the corner of the reception area.
Next, just enter the key box code to open the box and collect the room key.
The door code can also be found on the keyholder.



It is very important to make sure that check in codes are received before arrival to prevent delays.
There will always be someone available to resend codes. It is the cardholders responsibility to get in contact before 8pm if codes are not received before arrival to prevent delays.

Often mobile network providers fail to deliver text messages for some unknown reason when customers move between signal towers. SMS messages also often fail when phones move between countries or if roaming is not enabled.
Restarting the device may help.

Please just leave a message if any number goes to answer phone and the call will be returned.
The card holder will need to have the booking card ready for security.
Self-check-in codes will only be provided after checking card details with the card holder.

Areawest is fully supported 24 hours per day for emergencies.
